INSTRUCTIONS: To use a Credit Card to Donate to the Foundation’s "CLUB DESIGNATED FUND” - (your donation will be be used at the Discretion of the Rotary Club of North Colorado Springs and the North Colorado Springs Rotary Club Foundation) - ENTER: “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card “ and complete your Credit Card Information. To have your donation go to a specific cause, ENTER: (Optional) "Use this donation for” and select your designated cause. If the cause is not listed, please contact the Foundation Treasurer.
If you wish to donate by check, make the check out to
"North Colorado Springs Rotary Club Foundation" and mail to:
North Colorado Springs Rotary Club
P.O. Box 7056
Colorado Springs, CO
Make a Donation
The North Colorado Springs Rotary Club Foundation is the financial arm of the Rotary Club of North Colorado Springs. Most of our fund-raising is done through the Foundation to raise money to support the many community service projects of the club. The foundation works internationally and locally on a wide range of projects. Click below to read more about the various projects.

Who We Are
The North Colorado Springs Rotary Club Foundation was formed to make it possible for
the Rotary Club of North Colorado Springs to fund projects to benefit our community. Our
Mission is to fulfill Rotary’s objective of “Service Above Self” in the Colorado Springs
Through our Foundation, the Rotary Club of North Colorado Springs has been
able to:
Grant scholarships to high school graduates, who would not otherwise be able to attend college. Many of our scholarship recipients have been the first in their family to attend college.
Help to support and fund community programs and activities designated to address children’s literacy, safety and recreation. Rotarian tutors have provided literacy training to Elementary School students and donated thousands of children’s dictionaries to 3rd graders in many of our local elementary schools.
Support various community health, habitat and humanity initiatives, and provide significant funding for charities such as the Ronald McDonald House.
Improve the lives of citizens by delivering food and supplies to shut-in senior citizens, as well as providing support to Silver Key.
Provide an Ethics Awareness training program at our local schools.
Promote and demonstrate patriotism in the community through a joint fund-raiser with the Boy Scout Council of Colorado Springs and our Foundation, placing the American flag in front yards in various neighborhoods in Colorado Springs, on 5 flag holidays each year. This program raises funds for the Boy Scouts as well as for other programs of the North Colorado Springs Rotary Club.
Provide support to families of our service men & women, and to the first responders of our community, through financial support to Angels of America's Fallen. This is an organization that provides such services. Their mission is to encourage and fund healthy positive activities for the children of fallen firefighters, military and law enforcement. Between grief counseling and scholarships others provide, Angels stands beside the children all year, every year until adulthood.
Fundraising Events
The foundation organizes various events in Colorado Springs to raise funds for projects internationally and locally. Click below to see what is coming up next!

“Man has affinity for his fellowman, regardless of race, creed, or politics, and the greater the variety, the more the zest. All friendliness needs is a sporting chance; it will take care of itself in any company.”
— A Road I Have Travelled, THE ROTARIAN, February 1934

Supporting Our Military
North Colorado Springs Rotary Club includes support for the military as part of our community support.
North Colorado Springs Rotary Club provides gifts and food for Air force families who are struggling to make ends meet during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.
The Club also provides funds to help children of America’s fallen military and first responders to find and participate in healing activities of their choosing such as sports, music and other arts and to receive positive mentoring from their coaches and instructors, partially filling the void left by loss of a parent.

Our Core Values